

Roman Colosseum

'The Roman Colosseum'

History, Facts and Information about Allectus
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Usurper Emperor Allectus who ruled the empire of Ancient Rome. Read about the life of Allectus who can be described or remembered as:

 "The second Usurper Emperor of the Britannic Empire..."

Short Biography about the life of Allectus
Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Allectus, Usurper Emperor.

  • Name commonly known as: Allectus
  • Reigned as a Usurper Emperor: 293-6 as Emperor of the Britannic Empire
  • Dynasty / Historical Period: In 285 the Roman Empire was split in half by Diocletian - The Western Roman Empire and the other half became known as the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire.
  • Official Roman Emperors during this period were as follows:
    • Diocletian was Augustus of the East: Ruling Asia, Egypt and Thrace
      • Galerius reporting to Diocletian: Controlled the legions of the Danube
    • Maximianus was Augustus of the West: Ruling Italy and Africa
      • Constantiusreporting to Maximianus: Britain, Spain and Gaul
  • Place and Date of Death: 296 in Britain
  • Name of next Emperors:  The successors to Allectus were Constantius Chlorus andGalerius

Allectus the Usurper - Roman Coins, or coinage
Allectus was a usurper. Usurper is a term used to describe an illegal claimant to the throne without securing "the consent of the governed." Usurpers were a common feature of the late Roman Empire, especially from the crisis of the third century onwards. Every new emperor, either legal or illegal, marked the beginning of his rule by minting new coins, both for the prestige of declaring oneself as Augustus and to pay the loyal soldiers their share. Roman coins, or coinage, is often the only evidence of a determined usurpation such as that of Allectus.

Interesting facts about the life of Allectus
Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Emperor Allectus from the following facts and information about his life. Constantius was appointed Caesar and he prepared to reduce Britain and the previous usurper emperor Carausis to subjection. However, before Constantius could reach Britain Carausius was put to death by Allectus, a new usurper in A.D. 293. Allectus based his fleet in the area of the Isle of Wight. Constantius crossed the Channel and engaged in battle with Allectus, who was killed in 296AD. Constantius recovered Britannia, which, after a separation of ten years, was once more reunited to the empire.

List of Roman Emperors
Roman Colosseum
Roman Emperors

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