

Roman Colosseum

'The Roman Colosseum'

History, Facts and Information about Glycerius
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Emperor Glycerius who ruled the empire of Ancient Rome. Read about the life of Glycerius who can be described or remembered as:

 "The Exiled Emperor ..."

Short Biography about the life of Glycerius
Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Glycerius, Emperor of the Western Roman Empire

  • Name commonly known as: Glycerius
  • Latin Roman Name: Glycerius
  • Reigned as Roman Emperor / Caesar: March 3, 473 - June 474
  • Dynasty / Historical Period: Western Empire (394 - 476) which led to the disintegration of Roman authority and the Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Date of Birth: c. 420
  • Name of previous Emperor: His predecessor or the Emperor before Glycerius was Olybrius and he as succeeded by Julius Nepos 
  • Place and Date of Death: 480 in Dalmatia
  • For the names of the next Roman emperors in the East and the West of the Empire refer to the Timeline of Roman Emperors

Interesting facts about the life of Glycerius
Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Emperor Glycerius from the following facts and information about his life. Ricimer, the man behind so many of the recent emperors, died in August 472 of a malignant fever. Three months later on 2 November 472 the Emperor Olybrius died of dropsy. The influential position held by Ricimer was taken over by his son, Gundobad. Glycerius was was the commander of the imperial bodyguard. In March 473 Gundobad appointed Glycerius as a puppet emperor but his position was never sanctioned by Leo I, the Emperor of the Eastern Empire. Emperor Leo I sent an army of Ostrogoths (Eastern Goths) against Gundobad and Glycerius. But they bribe the Ostrogoths to leave. The following year, in 474, Leo I sent Julius Nepos to oppose Glycerius. Julius Nepos was the governor of the province of Dalmatia and he was also married to the niece of Leo I (hence his name 'nepos' meaning nephew). Glycerius surrendered to Julius Nepos. Glycerius was treated leniently by Nepos, probably due to his early surrender and he was made bishop of Salona in Dalmatia. Julius Nepos became the next emperor but his reign was quite short and he was forced to flee to Dalmatia. In 480 Nepos was assassinated. It is believed that Glycerius, the exiled emperor was responsible for his death. 

List of Roman Emperors
Roman Colosseum
Roman Emperors

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