
Julius Caesar Death

Julius Caesar

'Julius Caesar'

History, Facts and Information about the assassination and Julius Caesar Death
Why was Julius Caesar assassinated? Who murdered him? Why was he killed? What were his last words? The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about Julius Caesar Death. Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator. However, the name became synonymous with the Roman Emperors and every emperor retained the name "Caesar" as part of their title.

Julius Caesar Death
The power of Julius Caesar Death was at its highest. He had enraged noble Patricians with his relationship with Cleopatra and was considering divorcing his wife Calpurnia to marry her. But his keeping the dictatorship was the real grievance, and the remains of the old party in the Senate could not bear that the patrician freedom of Rome should be lost. Every now and then his flatterers offered him a royal crown and hailed him as king, though he always refused it and this title still stirred up bitter hatred. He was preparing an army intending to march into the far East, where no one but Alexander had gone before. His plans were known and if he came back victorious no one would be able to stand against him. The noble Patricians of Ancient Rome decided to take the most drastic of actions - they planned to murder Julius Caesar and assassinate him in the Senate.

Julius Caesar Death - The Conspirators
The plotters resolved to strike before he set out. Caius Cassius, a tall, lean man, who had been made praetor, was the chief conspirator, and with him was Marcus Junius Brutus, a descendant of the man who overthrew the Tarquins, and husband to Porcia, Cato's daughter. Another conspirator was Brutus named Decimus, who had been a friend of Caesar, and newly appointed to the government of Cisalpine Gaul. These and twelve more agreed to murder Caesar on the 15th of March, called in the Roman calendar the Ides of March, when he went to the senate-house.

Julius Caesar Death - The Warnings of his Death
There were rumors about the plot and warnings were given to him about that special day. His wife dreamt so terrible a dream that he almost gave in to her pleas for him to stay at home. However, Decimus Brutus came in and laughed him out of it. As he was carried to the senate-house in a litter, a man gave him a writing and begged him to read it instantly; but he kept it rolled in his hand without looking. As he went up the steps he said to the augur Spurius, "The Ides of March are come." "Yes, Caesar," was the answer; "but they are not passed."

The Muder and Julius Caesar Death
A few steps further on, one of the conspirators met him with a petition, and the others joined in it, clinging to his robe and his neck, till another caught his toga and pulled it over his arms, and then the first blow was struck with a dagger. Caesar struggled at first as all fifteen tried to strike at him, but, when he saw the hand uplifted of his treacherous friend Decimus, he exclaimed, "Et tu Brute" meaning "You, too, Brutus", drew his toga over his head, and fell dead at the foot of the statue of Pompeius.

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Short Biography of Julius Caesar
Roman Colosseum
Roman Empire

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