

Roman Colosseum

'The Roman Colosseum'

History, Facts and Information about Gratian
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about the Emperor Gratian who ruled the empire of Ancient Rome. Read about the life of Gratian who can be described or remembered as:

 "The Emperor who was deserted and murdered by his soldiers..."

Short Biography about the life of Gratian
Short Biography profile and facts about one of the most famous Romans of all, in the life of Gratian, Emperor of Rome and provinces of the Roman Empire.

  • Name commonly known as: Gratian
  • Latin Roman Name: Flavius Gratianus Augustus
  • Reigned as Roman Emperor / Caesar: 4 August 367 - 17 November 375 as Augustus under his father then 17 November 375 -August 25, 383 as co-Augustus in the West with Valentinian II
  • Dynasty / Historical Period: The Valentinian dynasty (364 - 394) derives its name from the first of the dynasty's Emperors - Valentinian I. Orthodox Christianity became the officially tolerated variant of the faith and the Empire became irrevocably split into two halves.
  • Place and Date of Birth: Born 359 AD in Sirmium (Serbia)
  • Name of previous Emperor: His predecessor or the Emperor before Gratian was Valentinian I
  • Family connections / Genealogy
    • Name of Father: Valentinian I
    • Name of Mother: Marina Severa
    • Married: Flavia Maxima Constantia and Laeta
  • Place and Date of Death: August 25, 383 at Sirmium
  • For the names of the next Roman emperors in the East and the West of the Empire refer to the Timeline of Roman Emperors

Interesting facts about the life of Gratian
Obtain a fast overview of the times of the Roman Emperor Gratian from the following facts and information about his life. Why was Gratian famous? Accomplishments, achievements and important events. Gratian was the son of Valentinian I and Severa and became Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Valentinian I died in 375, the Western Empire was shared between his sons Valentinian II and Gratian. The Gothic nation had begged permission from the Romans to cross the Danube, and settle within the Roman territory.  Badly treated by the Roman commissioners who had been sent by the Emperor Valens (the uncle of Gratian) to superintend their settlement, the Goths marched against Constantinople. Valens wrote to Gratian for aid, and Gratian, although his own dominions were harassed by the Germans, marched to the aid of his uncle Valens.  Gratian never reached Valens. Valens encountered Fritigern, the Gothic leader, near Adrianople, in A.D. 378 and was defeated and slain by the Goths on 9 August 378. Nearly the whole of the Roman army was destroyed upon the battlefield. Gratian chose as his colleague Theodosius, the son of the former brave commander of that name, and Theodosius for a time restored the Roman empire. Gratian was defeated and put to death 25 August A.D. 383, by a usurper, Maximus, at Sirmium.

List of Roman Emperors
Roman Colosseum
Roman Emperors

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