

Roman Colosseum

'The Roman Colosseum'

The Roman Goddess Ceres
The way of the Romans was to adopt various elements from other cultures and civilisations. This included the Roman religion which was highly influenced by the Ancient Greek religion and gave the Greek God names the equivalent Roman names. The Roman priests then adopted the mythology or stories about the Gods and Goddesses and evolved a Roman Gods Family tree detailing how each of the Roman Gods and Goddesses, like Ceres, were related.

Greek and Roman religion and mythology therefore become closely entwined.

Mythology surrounding Ceres
The mythology and information about the Roman Goddess Ceres

  • A major deity and one of the 12 Olympian Gods

  • Jurisdiction: Ceres was described as being the Roman Goddess of agriculture and abundance

  • Mythology: Mythical Family Tree or Relatives: Ceres was believed to be the Earth Goddess. Ceres was the daughter of Saturn and Opis and the sister of Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Vesta and Juno

  • Depiction / Description / Symbol: the wheat seed and grains and the cornucopia, the horn of plenty symbolising abundance

  • Name of equivalent Greek Goddess: Demeter

Sacrifices and Festivals of the Roman Goddess Ceres

  • The Cerealia festival was celebrated on  on the 19th April in honor of the earth-goddess Ceres and connected with the growth of corn

  • She was personified and celebrated by women in secret rituals at the festival of Ambarvalia, held during May

  • The completion of the sowing was celebrated in December with Paganalia, associated with the earth-goddesses, Ceres and Tellus

  • Sacrifices to Ceres - During sacrifices to the Roman gods the sex of the victim had to correspond to the sex of the god to whom it was offered. White animals were given to the gods of the upper world whereas black victims to the gods of the underworld

Roman History and Information about Ceres
There was a temple to Ceres on the Aventine Hill in the city of Rome and her official priest was called a flamen. The word cereals derives from the name of the goddess Ceres due to her association with edible grains.

Myths about the Roman Goddess Ceres
12 Olympian Gods
Roman Colosseum
Roman Gods

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